Manley Method

  • Edward H. Manley

About Edward H. Manley

  • Up-to-date, broadly based relevant knowledge in all aspects of the food service industry.
  • The breadth of that knowledge, in a concise format, which we call "in a nutshell." What you NEED to know, with no "filler" information.
  • Earning certifications for each topic.
  • Inexpensive, time efficient, on-line or in-person.
  • What you need to Know, Be and Do, informed by Manley leading the Skill Standards (DOL)/Career Clusters (DOE) initiatives for hospitality & tourism, and over 40-years in the business.
  • No one does what we do.

What i've done only matters as it relates to How that helps me to inform you. If you'd like to know more - click here

Edward Manley CV.


Earning a career building certification can be a great way to improve your job prospects,

advance your career, and increase your earning potential.

Created in 2004, I managed and found funding for the Enlisted Aides who work in the homes of the senior Admirals/Generals.

I felt they were probably under-recognized. We provide prize money, chef jacket, education and more.

In 2024 Chef Irvine honored me for this, and in 2025 the Robert Irvine Foundation took over the award.

What Graduates said About Us

Symposium graduates share their thoughts about what they learned, how they

profited, and what they thought about my presentation style.

Here's my favorite, from a young (E-3) Navy Culinary Specialist who took the class at Camp David.

Contact With Us

Thank you for your interest. We look forward to hearing from you soon.

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House of Operation

Monday - Saturday,

PST 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

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Service Area

Las Vegas, Nevada.

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