FAQ answered:
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Which GI Bill® should I use - Montgomery or Post 9/11?
The best advice is to contact U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. What we know is this, the Post 9/11 GI Bill® can be used up to 15 years post active duty while the Montgomery is only 10 years. There are benefits to both and the VA can help you make the best decision.
Use it for yourself or give it to family?
We've been told by a Navy career counselor this - if you have family to give it to, you should transfer at least 1% to the family member(s). This selection must be made while on active duty. Once you begin the process, you can modify the details even after you leave the service. Once you leave - that is no longer an option.
To help with your decision, consider this:
A recent government study of the GI Bill® users showed that out of the 79 students at a particular well-known college, only 2 earned their associate degree on time. Of the 21 who enrolled in a bachelor of science program, only 13 had finished 8 years later. The point is, you can make a decision to give some to family but use at least 3% on our certification and know that it will benefit your future life.
Use it now or save it for later?
Having used the GI Bill® to earn his Master's Degree while still on active duty, Ed Manley, Founder of the Foodservice Institute, walked the walk. He suggests using it when you have an opportunity. This way, when you get out of active duty, you can get a job.
If you are the 1 in 16 people who uses their total entitlement, then some yeaars down the road you will have to pay then for the last month of the entitlement you used now.
For many of our graduates, the certifications helped them get a promotion or pay raise so they already earned more than they will spend years later. The MCFBD Certification will only use 3% (or one month) of your eligibililty to complete the entire program leading to MCFBD.
Think about it - if you get the MCFBD on your resume NOW, that is a good investment for your and your family's future.
What's the downside of using your GI Bill® while on Active Duty?
If you use all your GI Bill® then for the last month that you have to pay for way down the road, you will lose the BAQ of an E-5 that you would have gotten if you waited till you got out. That translates to maybe $850 to $1,300 depending on your location. If you purchase our certification, you will have EARNED 9 CERTIFICATIONS, which you have for many years and some for life, whereas the money for the BAQ is long gone.
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